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Melissa Harris Piano Studio, Cape Cod

Adult Piano Student Practice Routine: Warming Up
(Includes 10 Easy Scale Variations for Beginners) How do you practice your scales? Do you regularly opt out of warming up, or you use a...

Mise en Place at the Piano
Let's begin our series on practice suggestions for the adult learner by preparing the piano practice space. Mise en place (French...

What They Don't Tell You
First of all, let's give a shout out to everybody who's taking time in life to practice the piano and fill the world with good music...

Jess Just Wants to Play Piano
“I just want to play the piano!” Jess exclaimed. “I’m tired of putting everyone else first and sacrificing myself.” “I just want to play...

Linda Likes Being Down an Octave
Linda told me last week she likes being down an octave. That’s unusual. Most students really love the higher registers, especially...

Sacred Spaces
I always believed that I could practice the piano anywhere: as a girl, in the middle of my parent’s home, after dinner, quietly, while...

Lessons from the Road
Christmas, MI I’ve been traveling virtually with Patty and Paul in the RV the last couple of weeks. Tomorrow we’ll reach our next...

A Very Basic Guide to Setting Up Online Piano Lessons for Teachers and Students
I’ve always said I only need one pencil and one piano to do my job. That was true until coronavirus appeared on the...

Start With Your Words
Pronouncements abound here. “I can’t do this” is a truly ubiquitous remark. Yes, of course you can’t do this. That’s why we’re here. ...

Tough Lessons
While living in College Station, Texas, in 1989, I studied with a teacher by the name of George Rutherford, student of famed pianist Abby...

Alan's Lesson
Alan wasted no time in declining my invitation to join our piano evening at the Belfry. I chalked this up to his being a newbie and let...

Sheila Doesn't Like First Endings
Learning to navigate D.C. al fine, D.S. al Coda and even simple repeats is pretty basic stuff, but it’s easy to miss these signs in the...

Here, we practice NOT apologizing.
Dear Beautiful Pianist, Today you apologized for making a mistake. Please don't. Mistakes are a natural part of your music journey....

How you practice matters more than if you practice.
You know the saying, you are what you eat? Well, as you practice so you'll play.... What is your purpose? 1. Are you working out a...

In the beginning, there was rhythm.
Students -- adults and kids -- tend to focus on playing the correct keys when starting lessons, generally paying far less attention to...

Practice Tips for Adult Piano Students
Organize your practice: Any plan is better than no plan. Keep a journal, not of time practiced, but of this plan. It will capture...

1. Be kind. To ourselves. It's easy to be kind to others. We learned that a long, long time ago, way back when we were children. How...

“Anyone who acts without paying attention to what he is doing is wasting his life. I’d go so far as to say life is denied by lack of...

Seeing Ourselves in the Mirror of Music
We can learn A LOT about someone by listening to his or her piano playing. It’s much harder to observe ourselves. Regarding adult piano...

Finding Time
Waiting 9-10 minutes for pasta al dente allows for a pretty focused practice moment. Putting your phone on speaker while waiting for...
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